The Blog

Warning! This is not related to How I Met Your Mother, sorry. It isn't a foundation to help raise money for cervical cancer research (that is here). It's a wordplay off the Black Umbrella Project in the 90's. I don't mean the one with the weird human and animal genetic enhancement. This is meant to stand out in the crowd, much like a yellow umbrella.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Brain Goop TV?

I was recently shown a television show... I think Vampire Diaries... but my friend was really eager to get me watching this television show. I watched the first two episodes and my friend asked how I felt about it. I said that I felt that it was going to be boring because the main girl will end up with the blond brother and somewhere in between fall in love with who I referred to as the "evil-sexy" brother. I also remember saying something about her brother getting out of his dark emo hole and progressing into another after loosing a few girlfriends and the sassy blond friend was going to get herself killed. I ranted a little more about how cliche it is and yada yada while she just gawked at me. She said I just zapped through most of the major plot points in each season. Of course I did, it's that predictable.

I have a nack for predicting shows lately. I managed to sum up most of the ABC Family series and a few others after watching the first episode. I haven't mastered sitcoms, because most of the episodes are fillers. Anyway, I am concluding that we need better television shows.

We need more shows that require thinking! Like Criminal Minds before they started connecting conclusions too fast, White Collar, House, Monk, Psych, Bones before the baby, and best of all... Doctor Who.

I like Criminal Minds because it's (or was) about the process of finding the killer. I like White Collar because you can see behind the conman's ways. I like House because he is such an unusually cruel doctor that always manages to find the cure. I like Monk because it's all about the details. I like Psych because it is hilarious and full of 80's references that I actually understand. I like Bones because it introduced me to how the skeleton can tell you someone's life story. I love Doctor Who because I get excited when I actually manage to guess what happens and see the connections (never saw the River Song secret coming... Spoilers).

Television shows need to be more creative. I know there are some shows that you can use so that you can just shut down your brain, but there are far too many! There are channels dedicated to "Brain Goop TV". We need more shows that require thought and education.

If there are any television show writers out there.... HEAR MY PLEA!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!


  1. If you desire it, you will could have a career as a writer. Keep up the good work!

    1. I thought about writing... I may do it as a "hobby" but I think that I will stay with my passion in Orthopedics. Thanks for the suggestion!
