The Blog

Warning! This is not related to How I Met Your Mother, sorry. It isn't a foundation to help raise money for cervical cancer research (that is here). It's a wordplay off the Black Umbrella Project in the 90's. I don't mean the one with the weird human and animal genetic enhancement. This is meant to stand out in the crowd, much like a yellow umbrella.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


First Post!

I'm excited! This is my first post. I really want this blog to be successful, but I cannot do it without followers and good posts.

First off... I should probably introduce myself and the blog.

First here are some pictures that describe myself.                         


My name is Emily. I am a senior in high school. I basically have all AP classes. I am Christian and very scientific. I plan to go to college and major in Biology under pre-medical. My top choice is UNC Greensboro, because they have a Human Biology program and dorms with bathrooms inside of them. I have some problems with clutter and public bathrooms, so dorm life may kill me. I think I am creative, but I will let you be the judge of that. I can be funny, and I say this because people laugh at some of the things I say that are meant to be funny. I am also the sole author of this blog.

This is The Yellow Umbrella Blog. It has nothing to do with doctors (I will just mention the pains of becoming one from time to time) or How I Met Your Mother. The idea came to me in the shower, where all good ideas arise. A week before this post my AP Government teacher told us about how we needed to express our ideas to the government and blah blah blah. Then my sister's friend, who is 12, wrote to a senator expressing what she feels the government should do. This 7th grader didn't do this for a project or extra credit, she did it because she wanted to use the voice that the Constitution of the United States gave her. After I saw her letter, I felt awful because I complain but never say anything. And hence the blog.

I named the blog after a project my mother participated in during the 90's. It's called the Black Umbrella Project. It is where a group of women held black umbrellas over the faces of women going into abortion clinics. I am different from that. I do not believe in abortion, but I believe that I don't completely understand the situations that led these women to the clinic and therefore they have a right to control their body. I will not personally get an abortion, but that is not what everyone believes and I am okay with that. I've given it great thought and I think that it is better to get an abortion when you cannot support a child and then raise a child in a horrible environment. What I don't understand is the old men who are avidly against abortion. I mean what do they know about child birth? Or raising a child without a father? They don't.

I am also a huge supporter of having the baby and allowing a couple who can raise a child but are not able to have a child on their own. AKA: Huge supporter of homosexual marriage rights. Yes, yes, this goes against what Jesus taught us about a man should not lie with a man, but didn't he also teach us to love and treat others the way we wanted to be treated? I believe love is love whether it be a homosexual or a heterosexual relationship. I also need to treat others the way I want to be treated, therefore if I want to be gifted with marriage then everyone should have marriage. I refuse to get married until everyone has that right, even if it is extreme.

Believe it or not, I am actually a Christian Conservative Republican on top of being a science student. Don, don, don. Confused yet? Well only by definition, of course. I get my beliefs and practices from the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, so I am Christian. I value tradition and am cautious to change and innovation, so I am conservative. I believe that each person is responsible for his or her own place in society, so I am republican. I have taken mostly higher level science classes and plan to go into medicine through biology, so I am a science student. I, however, am not uneducated in thought nor do I just repeat everything my parents tell me without a second thought. I also do not trust everything science tells me because there is room for error. I question. I think for myself. I believe. I have confidence.

My family is a Liberal Democratic Pagan family. My mother is also a High Priestess and a successful blogger (The Bad Witch Files, where I am known as the Bad Child and am often mentioned). If I didn't question, didn't think for myself, and just repeated everything my parents told me I wouldn't be the person I am today. My mother and I often get in heated arguments about our beliefs. Both of us back up our opinions with facts and both arguments seem equally logical. We often joke about the differences in religion/political views. When something technologically goes wrong I would say "What did I tell you about spells in the house" or if something freaky happens, like books flying off shelves, I would say "I told you to get up in them corners" (if you have seen True Blood, you'd get it). And she often jokes about getting me to help out with workshops for her students she'd laugh and say "We solicited the Jesus lover". She also likes to call me Marilyn Munster.

I am also the only Caucasian in my immediate group of friends. I have AP and IB courses and I just ended up with the friends that are Asian. Because we were raised in different cultures we often have clashing beliefs, but we know and respect each other's opinions.

I am the person who stands out in a culture of conformity. I hope to change the fate of Generation Y, the worst generation ever. When I was on a cruise  to Mexico, a Mayan tour guide told me that December 21st was not the end of the world, but a time for change. I need to be that change I want to see in the world. And if it starts with a blog, then so be it. America is not the greatest country, but it can be (if you haven't watched the Newsroom, shame on you).

And that is why I am the "Yellow Umbrella".

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